ASSOCIATE Membership permits any qualified service company to be listed on The ProSquad locator and shall be free with no dues. Other than the Business List, they have no other permanent privileges.
Member benefits may be added or removed based on the recommendation of the Membership Committee with concurrence of the BOD.
Associate members may not vote, however, they shall be polled prior to any vote to ascertain that group’s opinion which can be included in any deliberations. Qualifications are posted on the left.
FULL Membership will have an annual fee sufficient to cover actual day-to-day operating expenses as approved by the BOD.
Full members are shareholder/owners and have one vote. Excess earnings or dues shall be returned to the full members in the form of dividends as the BOD may direct. Distribution is based on each members dues, purchases of products and services offered, excess contributions when asked for and residuals less approved expenses and any applicable taxes. Excess contributions are for specific income producing projects where full members are asked to participate, in a voluntary manner, that requires investment.
Admission to full membership requires Associate membership for no less than 90 days. As there will be discussion of negotiations with manufacturers, TPA’s and vendors, admission to Full membership will require the following:
- A signed, strong nondisclosure agreement with enforceable penalties for any breach that causes financial loss.
- An agreement to abide and cooperate with any contracts or agreements voted on and passed by the Full membership.
- A requirement to use the official TPS logos and service marks on their websites and other advertising.
EMERITUS Members are either retired service providers or from associated industries. They are not on the locator, however they are eligible to participate in member benefits and subscription to the Business List.
They will have their own list that will have the entire BOD as well as committee chairs so they provide advice and counsel.