Three out of five couples during long-term relationships and concomitant sexual activity are faced with the problem of premature ejaculation in a man. Most girls take this with understanding, although they do not fully know the cause of premature ejaculation.
Obviously, sex life is an integral part of relationships, so the presence of problems in it can lead to numerous quarrels, a man’s self-doubt and, in the end, to depression.
What factors affect potency?
In fact, there are a lot of reasons that serve as a violation of the sexual function But experts note several main ones, which, in one way or another, play an important role.
Everyone knows that let it lie to the heart of a man through the stomach. But the path will be thorny if there is a lot of fatty, fried and spicy food in the stomach. In this case, the very first factor is the lack of a proper diet. The concept of proper nutrition in this case is applied not only to those who are trying to lose weight, or vice versa to gain muscle mass, but also to people who monitor their health and take care of the normal functioning of all body systems. That is why the presence of fried, fatty and spicy foods should be removed, or at least reduced, from the diet. And also avoid overeating.

The next important factor is the presence of stress. A man is a breadwinner – so they said before, and so it remains to this day. But no one excludes the presence of stress due to hard work. In this case, you should take some time to yourself and calm down. Going to the gym would be ideal.
And this, by the way, is the next factor that has an important influence on sexual relations. Exercise is extremely important in a man’s daily routine. By going to the gym, a man can recuperate and relieve stress. Thus, ensuring yourself a good evening.
Well, and no less important reason can be the presence of regular sex. The more often the sex, the longer it will last.
The causes of premature ejaculation
Experts identify several reasons, and they do not hold a huge secret. As everyone knows, our life is the result of our actions. Therefore, the quality of sexual relations is also influenced by the lifestyle of a man.
The main reason for premature ejaculation can be considered the presence in the diet of a large amount of spicy food, alcohol and excessive overeating. At all times, nutritionists claim that it is worth adhering to proper nutrition not only for those people who want to keep their body in shape, not gain excess weight or for the recommendation of a doctor, but also because the diet affects all important functions of the human body.
An equally important reason is the stress received at work and the lack of sufficient physical activity. A representative of the stronger sex needs to regularly visit the gym in order to give free rein to his body and thus get rid of negative energy that can accumulate over a certain number of days.
And the last, not least important factor is the presence of regular sexual intercourse. Lack of regular sex dooms a man to premature ejaculation. In this case, quality affects quantity.
What does the pharmaceutical market offer?

The range of products offered for solving this problem is indecently large. In addition to the well-known Viagra, there are a huge number of analogues that solve problems no worse, but are much cheaper.
In almost all drugs to increase potency and timely ejaculation, the active ingredient is Dapoxetine. Due to this component, the active substance allows you to control the onset of ejaculation.
Before choosing a drug – read it!
Before you run to a pharmacy or an online store page , you need to contact a specialist. He, in turn, will determine the nature of the appearance of this problem in a man and recommend the appropriate drug.
It is important to find out and determine if there is an allergic reaction to the active ingredients of this drug. And also immediately determine the list of diseases that do not involve taking pills to prolong ejaculation. If a man has cardiovascular insufficiency, kidney and liver problems, as well as a ban on physical activity, then taking drugs is strictly not recommended
The side effects in this drug are minor. Mostly headache, dizziness and nausea. If you adhere to the rules for taking the drug, and this is 1 tablet per day 40-50 minutes before the start of intercourse, then there will be no problems. Also, while taking the drug, you can not take alcoholic beverages and eat fatty foods in the diet.